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Influenster Merbabe Vox Box

Hey, Beauties! Today I am going to review my first complimentary VoxBox from Influenster. I feel that this post will be quite long, so I will separate each theme into new paragraphs. Enjoy! What is VoxBox? For those who don't know what is VoxBox. So, this is a complimentary box from Influenster, which you get for your activity on their portal. Every month Infleunster send tons of packages with different products for free! Fabulous isn't it?  So, this before getting VoxBox you get an email with a questionnaire full of questions about you, your skin, your age, and all that stuff.  After this email, you could or could not get another email with confirmation about your VoxBox.  My Story of VoxBox and Influenster I registered at Influenster on December 18/ January 19. I was not really active until February when I became really into makeup! So, I started completing my snaps, always forgot to do my work till the last snap. Approximately at the end of March, I completed

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